#34 – How to work with clients when you have a unique photography style with Monique Sourinho

my food lens podcast podcast

As creators we want to have a unique style.

As professionals we want to work with clients.

But what if clients are looking for a style different from ours? 

Working commercially as a stylist, photographer or content creator requires us to really understand a client’s style and create their branding language. But where does that leave our style? What about our unique voice? 

How do we stay true to who we are and yet book our dream client? 

Photo by Monique Sourinho
Photo by Monique Sourinho

Well, it is totally possible to have a unique creative style and still work with top clients and Monique Sourinho tells us how. 

Food stylist, photographer & recipe developer, Monique, has worked with prestigious clients like Subway and if you see her work, she has a very strong photography style. 

Monique’s work is a piece of art. Her commercial success is no surprise. She says that the secret to success is the ability to adapt. Breaking into the market and progressing confidently can be difficult but the one quality that truly helps in sustaining the journey is adaptability. 

Here’s what else Monique shares in the episode – 

  • Her creative journey from wanting to be a fashion designer to becoming a food stylist and photographer
  • How to tap into your creativity to find your style
  • The  qualities of  a commercial food stylist
  • How to attract clients whilst still staying true to your style 
  • What to keep in mind while building a portfolio
  • How to create an exceptional client experience so that clients turn into returning clients
  • The power of word of mouth in thriving as a professional food stylist and photographer 
  • What to expect when working with a large client like Subway
  • How to find out  if a client is the right fit and vice versa
  • How to find that fine line between staying true to who you are and creating a brand’s signature style
  • When to walk away from a project

Our style can be anything we want & it is absolutely possible to stand out creatively in the world of art & photography, be versatile, work with a range of clients and even book our dream client.

Follow Monique on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bee.the.love/

Visit her website: https://beethelove.net/

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  • Dear Dyutima,
    Such a precious interview and information !! Thank you both, for sharing Monique path and main topics about the path and how evolved.

    • Thank you for your lovely note, Claudia. I’m always in awe of Monique’s artistic style and also how she works with such hot-shot brands. So glad you enjoyed this episode. Thank You!

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