#95 – How to attract success without working more hours with Megan Porta – Part 1

My Food Lens Podcast episode with Megan Porta

If you’ve been working hard and not finding success that you desire, you might be missing the same piece of the puzzle as I was.

We love learning about creativity and photography. We tend to invest our time and money in them thinking that getting better at those skills will pave the path for our success.

And when someone tells us that we actually can attract success without working so hard, by just making small changes in our habits and behaviors, we tend to overlook that advice until we hit a roadblock.

At that point when we hit rock bottom, it strikes us that the only way to spring back is to think differently, focus our energy differently, and shift our mindset.

my food lens podcast

The biggest piece of the puzzle in finding success was our mindset.

What we think, what we say to ourselves, what we believe about ourselves, and what we think about money has a huge role to play in how success reaches us.

In this week’s podcast episode, Megan Porta, an OG food blogger and the founder of the Eat Blog Talk podcast talks about habits and thoughts that are essential to attract success as a creative.

She helps entrepreneurs who want to break through their limiting beliefs and achieve breakthrough results in their creative careers.

Here’s what the episode includes:

  • Megan shares the importance of mindset in achieving success in business.
  • She talks about how underrated the power of the mind is in the creative world.
  • Megan shares her story about being a money magnet.
  • She shares some mindset “mistakes” that keep us from reaching our goals.
  • Megan elaborates on playing the long game and how creators don’t find success because they give up too quickly.
  • She discusses the correlation between what we focus on and what we find.
  • She suggests simple ways that creators can adapt to change.

Submit a voice question HERE and be featured on the podcast.  

You can see Megan’s website: Pip and Ebby
Or follow her on Instagram: @pip.ebby
Podcast: Eat Blog Talk Podcast
Pinterest: Pip and Ebby
Facebook: Pip and Ebby

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Previous post #96 – How to attract success without working more hours with Megan Porta – Part 2
Next post #94 – How to partner with brands for sponsored content with M. Aimee Tan – Part 2


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