#96 – How to attract success without working more hours with Megan Porta – Part 2

My Food Lens Podcast episode with Megan Porta


If hard work was the only requisite for success, everyone would be successful easily because none of us shy away from working hard.

But overworking can actually repel success.

When we begin to see beyond hard work and talent, we realize the untapped power of what lies within us to attract the success that is meant for us.

In this week’s podcast episode, we continue our conversation with Megan Porta, an OG food blogger and the founder of the Eat Blog Talk podcast. We talk about habits and thoughts that are essential to attract success as a Creative.

Megan helps entrepreneurs break through their limiting beliefs and achieve breakthrough results in their creative careers.

She shares unexpected ways to increase productivity, how to come out of your comfort zone to discover your full potential, how to get more results by working less, tools and resources to avoid triggers and comparison that bring negativity.

You absolutely loved Part 1 of the conversation with Megan. Part 2 is even better.

my food lens podcast

Here’s what the episode includes:

  • Megan shares how to reframe our thoughts to attract success in business.
  • She talks about how working hard isn’t enough to be successful.
  • She shares how to beat the inertia of staying in our comfort zones.
  • Megan elaborates on the role of time management in increasing productivity.
  • She discusses productivity tips to maximize efforts.
  • She suggests tools and resources to avoid triggers and comparison that bring negativity.


Submit a voice question HERE and be featured on the podcast.  

You can see Megan’s website: Pip and Ebby
Or follow her on Instagram: @eatblogtalk
Podcast: Eat Blog Talk Podcast
Pinterest: Pip and Ebby
Facebook: Pip and Ebby

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Previous post #97 – How to build a six-figure food photography business with Sam Adler – Part 1
Next post #95 – How to attract success without working more hours with Megan Porta – Part 1


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