Dream Everyday & Take Action Everyday

It's me 


My journey into food photography is kinda crazy and it might totally be your story too.

After 15 years of studying & practicing architecture, designing hospitals and healthcare facilities around the world, I was taking a break from working and began cooking a lot, something I loved.

Because I was cooking, I began posting phone photos of my food on social media for the joy of it & suddenly out of the blue one day, someone wanted to hire me to take photos for their food brand.

I took it as a sign of the universe. 

I thought, “What’s there to lose? I’m anyway taking a break from work. Let’s see where this goes.”

Take that leap of faith or 

you'll never know what's waiting for you on the other side.



  • I had never used a DSLR in manual mode.
  • I had NO photography knowledge.
  • I had NO business experience. 

And yet, I jumped on the idea, took a leap of faith, registered the business, learnt technical photography, and started a food photography business.

That day and today, I’ve ever looked back. Took small steps and kept moving forward putting one foot in front of the other, finding joy in the journey of being a creative and also an entrepreneur.

I am a huge believer in taking action on goals, taking leaps of faith and trusting the process.

In fact, this journey inspired me to start a food photography and business podcast that helped photographers start and grow a business, turning their dreams into reality. And turns out, I became the first south Asian woman to host a podcast in my industry. The podcast has reached thousands of photographers and changed their life and I still can’t believe the impact it has made. 

My intention is to instill emotions and evoke nostalgia through my photography while staying technically sound and bringing a strong sense of movement to the compositions.

With an architectural background, I create modern yet artistic compositions of food by turning a 2-dimensional photo into 3-dimension with light, and adding a 4th dimension of emotion.

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The Photography 


My architectural background has played a huge role in guiding my photography style. It helps me create modern yet artistic compositions of food by using light to turn a 2-D photo into 3-D, and adding a 4th dimension of emotion.

I’m inspired by the colour and texture of ingredients, the complexity of flavors and the joy of cooking.

Through my photography, I love to instill emotions and evoke nostalgia, turning every photo into a powerful visual story. I love creating a strong sense of movement and bringing vibrant energy to photography compositions.

Visit The Photo Gallery

The Podcast


After years of navigating this path of Creative entrepreneurship, I was inspired to launch a podcast to help food photographers start and grow their own businesses.

Through the podcast I share simple actions food photographers can take to  turn their business dreams into a reality. And turns out, I became the first south Asian woman to host a podcast in my industry.

The podcast has reached thousands of photographers and changed their lives. I still can’t believe the impact it has made.

Tune Into The Podcast


I’ve been fortunate to have worked as a commercial and editorial photographer for several local and global hotels, restaurants, F&B brands and magazines. The Intercontinental Hotel, McComick, Epicure, Sister Mag, Thrive magazine, Whalebone magazine, SaladStop, The American Club etc have been some of my past clients.

I’ve spoken at conferences such as the Master the art of food photography summit, International food bloggers conference and have been a guest speaker on several podcasts. 

If you have a gut feeling, a thought that’s been knocking at your door, don’t ignore it. Answer it. It might be the Universe leading you to the life that is meant for you.Â