#17 – What do brands look for in social media influencers with Katherine Braha

Jun 21, 2024
podcast episode – What do brands look for in social media influencers with Katherine Braha

In this week’s podcast, I asked one of my clients to join me to talk all about social media influencers! A chance to ask all of those burning questions and to understand what brands are looking for when working with influencers. 

Walking the talk 

I am in awe of my wonderful client, Katherine Braha, who runs a business truly in line with her values. A vegan for many years, Katherine certainly brings her personality to the brand. 

A joint owner of SaladStop! a family-run business, Katherine Braha has helped expand across Asia by overseeing all aspects of marketing, product development, and training. 

                www.saladstop.com.sg – Photography by Dyutima

Katherine’s background as a brand ambassador for companies such as Body Shop, along with her experience in the Food & Beverage industry has made her a force to be reckoned with! 

And I just loved hearing, from a client’s perspective, about what they look for in influencers. Just gold. 

Authenticity rules when it comes to influencers marketing

For social media influencers, content creators, bloggers or F&B businesses looking to collaborate with other brands you will enjoy listening to Katherine as she shares her experience, advice and valuable tips. 

The  biggest takeaway from our conversation is that brands look for influencers who passionately connect with them. They want REAL, dependable, genuine and passionate influencers who live by shared values. 

What are influencers and so much more… 

Here’s what the episode includes – 

  • Katherine introduces herself, the background on SaladStop! and how the brand is aligned with her values.
  • Katherine talks about how Covid impacted their business and what strategies they put in place to shift and move forward. 
  • Katherine explains why their social media strategy is moving towards selling a lifestyle rather than products.
  • Katherine shares what percentage of her social media marketing is influencer- based, both now and in the future.
  • Katherine tells us how they choose and work with influencers. 
  • She shares intel on working with influencers on campaigns and her thoughts on paying influencers for their time. 
  • Katherine describes why she would go back to using an influencer again
  • She shares how influencers have reached out to them and tips on doing this successfully. 
  • Katherine goes through the challenges faced working with influencers.
  • Katherine talks about how they will be measuring the ROI of influencer marketing. 
  • She lets us know how they see influencers supporting their business next year. 
  • Katherine shares her top tip for influencers who want to work with brands. 

Links mentioned: 



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