#22 – Gender bias in food photography and what we can do about it #BreakTheBias

Jun 21, 2024
podcast episode - Gender bias in food photography and what we can do about it #BreakTheBias


We all have our values, personally and professionally. As people we fight for causes and stand up for what we believe in. And if there is one thing I align myself with, it’s gender equality. 

Let me ask you, as a woman, have you faced bias? If you’re not a woman and you’ve not faced it yourself, have you witnessed it? 

I myself have been in situations throughout my life where I have been treated a little differently to the men around, whether it was in University, or architecture, or today in food photography. Irrespective of industry or location, as women we have all been a witness or a victim of bias. 

In the world of commercial food photography, sometimes when I approach restaurants and chefs or talk to agencies and they see a petite woman walk in with a soft box double her size, then for a moment, just for a moment, there is scepticism. They doubt whether I’m capable, skilful, good with technicalities and would be able to pull off a shoot.

And so, along the way I’ve learnt a few lessons that help me cope with the scepticism and discrimination. These practices are positive ways to deal with it without giving in.

Positive practices to help #breakthebias

  1. Know yourself inside and out

Be so thorough in your work that no doubt can move you. When people doubt you, you will begin to doubt yourself. It will happen and when it does, if you are confident that you have the knowledge and the skills, those doubts will disappear fairly quickly. Be confident in your own abilities because gender cannot be a deciding factor for capability and that my friend, is the truth. 

  1. Not everyone is biased

Some people are just like that and it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman, they do not consider you good enough. For them, you can never be nor know enough. So, give the benefit of doubt where it deserves and realise that not everyone discriminates based on gender. 

  1. Choose your battles

Gender bias won’t change overnight and it is not a battle that can be won tomorrow. So, choose the battles that are worth fighting for. 

I’m not the one who calls out every person if I sense biased behaviour but I do express my displeasure if the situation allows and it’s appropriate to do so. What matters most is that we don’t support or encourage it. 

It is completely up to you if you want to stand up against a situation. Remember though, this is a long battle and will only change over time. For your own sanity, choose your battles. This is my very personal opinion. 

4.Support other women

This is probably the most important – women need to support other women.

It is our nature  to compete, whether its  clothes, skin, children, home, talent, skill – we are always competing. 

Well, competition is not based on gender. Competition is competition. You don’t have to beat the woman next to you. If you’re really competing, beat the person better than you and do it in a healthy way.

For a change, stand for the woman next to you because it’s not without reason they say that when women support women, amazing things happen. Women are not very good at it and we need to do it more. 

Have you faced gender bias?

I’m certain I’m not alone in these experiences. I’m sure you too have faced bias. My personal stories have been shared on the podcast episode and I would love to hear from you too. I would appreciate it if you could share your story with me – just drop me an email or a DM on Instagram. 

In the meantime, Happy International Women’s Day. I hope there comes a time when we don’t need to have a special day to celebrate women. Until then let’s do our part – let’s #BreakTheBias. 

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