#63 – Are you downgrading by becoming a photographer?

Jun 30, 2024
podcast episode – Are you downgrading by becoming a photographer?

Let’s dive into a topic that often haunts the minds of many who think of a career in food photography – the fear of downgrading ourselves.

If you’ve ever wondered whether stepping into food photography means giving up your true potential, read on.

If you’ve ever wondered whether stepping into food photography means giving up your true potential, read on.

As you contemplate a transition from your current profession to food photography, it’s natural to experience thoughts like, “Will I be considered less intellectual?” or “Can I achieve the same level of success and financial stability?”

Let’s debunk some myths, address those doubts, and empower you to decide what you feel about this creative career path – whether it is a step up or step down for you.

We have 2 kinds of battles to overcome when we dive into a new career.

One is a battle within ourselves.

And the other is the battle with the world.

The fight inside and the fight outside is serious. It messes up our chances of success, of making a real joyful and profitable career out of something we love. Those voices are evil but somewhat true too.

The first truth bomb is:

1. Intellect

When you think that you won’t be regarded as intellectual by being a photographer, you are probably right.

Most of the world doesn’t think photography is rocket science. You don’t even need formal education to be a photographer. That’s the truth.


2. Money Talk

People or the world in general may wonder how much money you really make as a photographer. Now, their skepticism may be valid because it does take time to start making big bucks as a full time photographer, break even and match your corporate salary.

Money doesn’t come instantly in photography, just like any other business starting from scratch. So there might be judgment around money.


3. Winning Support

The third truth is that you may not get the support you want, not even from your closest friends and family.

You may think that you’re very brave to make this big career jump but the world may make you feel like you’re making the biggest mistake of your life and not support you.


4. Respect

Will you be taken seriously? Not always.

The world has a bit of an old fashioned view on photography as a career and while there are those who think it’s amazing to follow your heart and be a photographer, there might be many others who still think photography is only good enough as a hobby.

Money, intellect, support and respect – you will probably face these battles as a food photographer, not just externally but also internally within yourself.

But ask yourself if you’re willing to trust yourself? Are you willing to give it your 100% believability? Are you willing to work your hardest to make this career as successful as the previous one?

Because without that, the doubts and opinions and internal battles will drag you, push you in directions you don’t want to go and make you do things only for short term success.


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I had to shift my thinking to be able to overcome that negative beginning. And I want to share that with you so that in spite of what the truth might be, it’ll help you reposition your thoughts and give that boost of hope and positivity pushing you towards success and away from doubt. 


1. Will I be regarded as an intellectual person? Will photography be stimulating enough for me?

Well, photography may not be thought of as rocket science but creativity is a real virtue and running a business is thrilling as heck. Being a creative person, having intelligent conversations and doing high intellect activities goes beyond just your profession.

When you become a thought leader in your industry, demonstrate high quality in your work, run a business, take care of finances and legal while being that super creative person, all parts of your brain are stimulated.

Being scholarly is only one kind of intelligence and stimulation. We can choose to make photography as dull or as stimulating for ourselves.


2. Will others wonder if I make enough money?

Anyone who starts a new career is in the same shoes. Others may wonder about your financial situation but secretly they will envy your passion for what you do, they will want to experience the same joy in their jobs as you feel in your photography.

They may not perceive you as the wealthiest person in the room, they’ll definitely see you rich with joy and passion. Photographers make six and seven figures too, it’s all about building your career.


3. Will my family support my dreams?

The rejection of our dreams from our family is their protection for us. They want us to be safe and financially secure.

Sometimes, they’re not fully aware of the potential of a certain career choice especially something like photography.

Usually when they see results, they change opinions and when they see you succeed, they won’t be able to help but be happy for you. What’s most important is our own faith in ourselves. The rest follows.


4. Will I be taken seriously and respected?

We often feel like we are beginning over by giving up one career to start another, throwing away a past career and wasting all those years. But we wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in that career before.

We never have to give up what we had. Take it with us in our new career in the form of creativity, professional conduct, marketing, software knowledge and so forth.

You can bring two professional worlds together – your past and present. Something to be proud of and something hugely respected in today’s times because it sets you apart.


There you go. A few ways to reposition your thoughts and cut out those unnecessary doubts centered around harsh truths. 

You will receive a lot of resistance from the world when you turn into a full-time photographer especially when you switch from a thriving career or a secure job, but as long as you have conviction in yourself you’ll make it. 

Money, respect, stimulation – everything will come. 



When we follow our heart, it is only an upgrade to the quality of life we are building for ourselves. 

All we need to do is believe in it, be willing to stand up for it, fight those who come in the way and if need be, sometimes even fight ourselves.

Will food photography be an upgrade or a downgrade for you? You are the one to take this decision.

All I can say is that, no career is big or small. It’s just a matter of perspective. Do not let negative perceptions sabotage your chance at pursuing a career of your dreams.

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