#76 – How to save time & money when investing in photography gear

Jun 30, 2024
podcast episode – How to save time & money when investing in photography gear

Let’s dive into a smart strategy for investing in photography equipment that won’t break the bank. Photography, especially for those looking to pursue it professionally, often comes with a hefty price tag. From lenses to tripods to lighting modifiers, the costs can quickly add up.

Here we discuss how renting equipment before buying can be a game-changer, can help us make informed decisions, and save money in the long run.


Test Before Buying

The first and probably the most significant advantage of renting is the ability to test and try equipment before committing to a buy.

Trying out that shiny new lens or camera a few times before making a substantial investment allows you to evaluate whether the equipment really enhances your photography and is a worthwhile purchase.

And when you rent it, question whether it is improving your photography, is it making your life easier, will you use it frequently, and if you work with clients, question whether it will help you with your professional work.


Identifying Gaps

Renting equipment not only helps in deciding what not to buy but also reveals gaps in our existing gear collection. Instead of directly buying a piece of equipment, it is advisable to rent that piece of equipment at least a few times.

After multiple trials, we may realize that a particular lens didn’t bring the expected value to our work, saving us a considerable sum of money.

On the flip side, we might also notice that we are renting a piece of equipment way too often, which means it’s an essential in our repertoire and worth adding to our collection.


Time-Saving in Decision Making

Renting allows us to create a shortlist of equipment for future investment, saving us from impulsive and potentially not-so-useful purchasesBy carefully considering our needs and preferences during the rental period, we can make more informed decisions when it’s time to buy.

Spending a small amount of money on renting is so much better than buying gear that we are not familiar with. And when it’s time to buy, sometimes in a crisis, we know exactly where to invest having tried and tested that equipment before. And by renting before, you’ll not have any surprises when buying and have the peace of mind knowing the investment will be worth it.


my food lens podcast


Improve photography skills

Renting photography equipment provides the flexibility to use different types of gear for various shoots, adding variety to our work and boosting our confidence in handling diverse tools.

The exposure to new equipment and access to a slew of gear helps to learn, practice and improve our photography skills. It also opens new opportunities for us to get creative not only in how we create, but also in what we create, e.g. photos and videos.



In conclusion, the habit of renting photography equipment is a wise and strategic approach.

Whether testing before buying, identifying equipment gaps, shortlisting for future investments, or providing flexibility and time-saving benefits, renting offers a multitude of advantages.

Remember, less can often be more.

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