#79 – How to find a higher purpose & make food photography more meaningful

Jun 30, 2024
podcast episode – How to find a higher purpose & make food photography more meaningful

In food photography, there’s a topic rarely discussed—a concept that goes beyond composition and technique.

Today, we explore an uncharted area, diving into the idea that underneath our passion for food photography lies a deeper, more profound purpose that has the power to reshape our approach to photography, and even our life.

Discovering a Higher Purpose

“Why do we need a deeper purpose in a field we already love?”

At the core of our existence, what do humans universally seek? Happiness. And the purest form of joy often comes from helping others, creating a connection that resonates with our very essence.

As food photographers, we often battle insecurities, especially the fear of being perceived as “just photographers.” Many of us grapple with the internal struggle of whether our passion is enough.

The truth is, our love for photography needs something more to be able to make it sustainable and strong. It needs substantial reinforcement to that love so that our creative life can withstand the test of times.

Having a higher purpose and deeper meaning to our food photography helps to overcome perceptions that the world has of our profession and build our confidence to face those perceptions.

Imagine our photography not just as a visual delight but as a force for good. Can a photograph feed children, boost a single mom’s self-confidence, or provide shelter? The answer is a resounding yes.

As food photographers, we possess the potential to play a transformative role in people’s lives.

My food lens podcast

Finding Purpose

The journey to discovering a higher purpose doesn’t always involve traditional acts of volunteering. In my creative journey, a simple act of capturing photos for an NGO working with women entrepreneurs turned into a life-changing experience.

The NGO’s mission was to empower women with small home-based businesses through mentorship. The realization that photography could significantly contribute to their success became the catalyst for my involvement in their cause.

Volunteering became the solid reinforcement needed for the love and passion in food photography. It provided a sense of purpose, security, and a realization that this art form has the potential to make a difference in the lives of others.

Embracing a deeper meaning in our creative journey

In the creative journey, challenges are inevitable. A deeper meaning and higher purpose act as anchors during turbulent times, making sacrifices worthwhile and decisions more robust.

Consider attaching yourself to a cause where your photography skills can make a difference. This commitment isn’t just altruistic; it’s a source of personal fulfilment, a reminder that our creative endeavours are part of something greater.


In the pursuit of a deeper purpose in food photography, we can discover not only the power to transform lives but also a profound sense of happiness and purpose.

As the new year unfolds, let this be a call to action—a call to attach ourselves to initiatives that extend beyond individual pursuits. The rewards may not be monetary, but the happiness is beyond measure.

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