#Bonus – A special milestone

Jun 21, 2024
podcast episode – A special milestone

This week we hit the one year mark on the podcast and I’ll be honest, it feels a bit unreal.

We’ve had amazing guests on the show, powerful conversations and some incredible takeaways. 52 weeks, 48 episodes, my heart is so full that I’ve been able to bring this content to you.

We’ve reached listeners all over the world from Singapore to Tanzania to greece to Germany to Saudi Arabia to Croatia to Zimbabwe to Maldives to  Nigeria, Vietnam, China, Pakistan. Morocco, The United States, India — over 96 countries & 1250 cities.

Your reviews and ratings, anyone who has taken the time to write a review for us on their listening platform has made a huge difference in bringing us. 

For those of you who’ve given me feedback and messages on email and social media, I can’t thank you enough for having supported me, encouraged me and moreover, inspired this podcast. 

And I want to thank you but I also want to take our relationship forward. I want to continue to bring good content to you and create meaningful discussions around what you want to hear about, what will help you in your photography, creative & entrepreneurial journey. 

So I’m going to ask you for a favor today – think of one topic you would like me to cover on this podcast. 

Think of your current biggest struggle, what’s stopping you from moving forward or what will fast forward your progress –  write it down now and send it to me. Email it to me or DM me on Instagram.

Also, send me any suggestions you have for guests on the show. Who inspires you, who do you want to listen to, who is your mentor.  I will try my best to bring them in to talk to you. 

This podcast is for you, so help me serve you better just like you have done all along. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making My Food Lens podcast where it is today.

If you weren’t here, this podcast wouldn’t be either.

Have a question?

Submit it as a voice note to be featured on the Podcast HERE

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