#46 – Why Taking Risks is An Important Part of A Creative Life

Jun 22, 2024
podcast episode – Why Taking Risks is An Important Part of A Creative Life

Welcome back, my dear friends. It feels so good starting the new year with something I truly love – bringing this podcast to you. 

This episode is one in which I was a guest on Becky Hadeed’s podcast called, The Storied Recipe, that we recorded  last year. 

At the time, Becky was a food photographer. If you’ve heard episode #43, you know what a powerful conversation that was, about being a photographer and not having a photography business. 

Sarso Machli preparation

The reason I am sharing this episode with you is that I feel that many of you may relate to it. The move from a corporate career to a creative industry, the struggles and the fights, I feel like it’s our story, not just mine. You may have gone through something similar. 

I hope you have some laughs, some emotions, some inspiration and some nostalgia as you listen through.

In Becky’s words, “let me take you on a journey through the twists and turns of a bold, brave life.” 

Photo by Becky Hadeed

Here’s what the episode includes: 

  • Dyutima talks about her visit to India last year and why it was a life milestone.
  • She shares the memory of her soul food and why it makes her cry every time. 
  • Dyutima and Becky discuss the recipe and how to cook with mustard oil without being intimidated. 
  • Dyutima shares how her childhood and her mom’s cooking led her to her photography career. 
  • She goes into her life as a healthcare architect and why she moved away from it. 
  • She talks about how she gave up everything for the love of her life and built a life, from scratch. 
  • The risks, mindset and everything that went into jumping from a thriving career in architecture to building a business in food photography.
  • Dyutima finishes the episode by talking about life’s indications & how we need to take them more seriously. 

It is the leaps of faith that bring us to where we are meant to be. Would you agree?

Find Becky on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thestoriedrecipe.podcast/?hl=en

Visit the Website: https://thestoriedrecipe.com/

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